Artificial intelligence in small and medium-sized enterprises
Basics and application
Das war das Südwest Digital Festival 2024: Ein voller Erfolg für die digitale Zukunft Am 19. und 20. September 2024 verwandelte sich Saarbrücken in einen pulsierenden Knotenpunkt für technologische Innovation und Digitalisierung: Das Südwest Digital Festival 2024 zog mehr als 250 Technologie- und Innovationsbegeisterte an. Organisiert vom European Digital Innovation Hub Saarland (EDIH), dem Mittelstand-Digital…
The startup ecosystem in Saarland Saarland has set itself the goal of becoming an attractive location for startups and developing one of the most startup-friendly ecosystems in the heart of Europe. A strong network of different players and comprehensive support are key to this. In the following, we present the main players, their motivation and…
Chat GPTs as knowledge management? In today’s knowledge economy, companies rely on efficient knowledge management systems. Large language models (LLMs) offer an innovative solution for managing and utilizing internal knowledge. This article examines various approaches to implementing LLMs in the corporate context as well as the opportunities and challenges they present. A key problem…
AI in everyday life: advisor, personal assistant and bodyguard Artificial intelligence (AI) is currently on everyone’s lips. If you had talked about this topic ten years ago and listed examples, most people would have thought of self-driving cars and robots. But the possible applications in everyday life are also almost unlimited. In fact, we claim…
How SMEs can be successful by integrating AI with big data Big data plays a crucial role in our increasingly digitalized world. These extensive and complex data sets, which are generated not only by people but also by devices from the Internet of Things (IoT), offer companies enormous opportunities. However, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)…
AI in marketing: analyst and supporter In the digital age, marketing is much more than just sending messages. Rather, it is about reaching the right people at the right time with the right content. Artificial intelligence (AI) can play a supporting and decisive role here. AI has the potential to revolutionize your marketing strategy and…
Innovation management : Focus on success factors Innovative strength is the key to securing competitiveness and sustainability in the future. SMEs should also see innovation as a driver for growth in order to position themselves for the future in the fast-moving business world. Innovation management enables SMEs to actively shape structural change. This can include…
Industry 4.0: With AI through the 4th industrial revolution What is Industry 4.0? After the first industrial revolution, which discovered the use of steam power for machines, through the application of electricity in mass production in the second industrial revolution, the fourth industrial revolution continued what the third revolution began with computers, IT and automation:…
3D printingPrototyping made easy! 3D printing is an additive manufacturing process that is particularly suitable for prototype construction, individual items and components with complex geometries. Here, a computer-generated 3D model is divided into individual layers and then built up layer by layer. Depending on the printing process used, plastics, synthetic resins or metals can be…