
Generation of SEO-optimized seminar descriptions

Integration of generative artificial intelligence in marketing processes

  • The company

    TÜV Saarland Education + Consulting GmbH

  • Project duration23.10.2023 – 26.02.2024
  • Degree of digitizationPersonnel qualification, marketing, service and support
  • Project goals

    • – Increasing the level of innovation
    • – Increase in product/service quality
    • – Increasing awareness of the company
    • – Optimization of processes


How can the AI-supported generation of product descriptions be improved?


Which methods are suitable for enriching existing texts with SEO-optimized keywords?


How can digital visibility be strengthened through the use of generative AI?

About the project

Project goals

The project includes the provision of a tool for the intelligent SEO optimization of seminar descriptions.
The tool analyzes historical texts, researches relevant keywords and enriches the texts in a targeted manner to improve the visibility and accessibility of seminars on the Internet.
These measures are intended to ensure that the seminar descriptions are optimally found on the Internet and thus reach more participants.

Initial situation

Optimizing seminar descriptions to increase digital visibility requires a careful balance between several crucial factors.
On the one hand, costs must be kept under control so as not to exceed the budget.
On the other hand, the quality of the texts is of great importance, as only high-quality and appealing content can effectively address the desired target group.
In addition, process optimization is necessary in order to make operational processes efficient and use resources optimally.
These three aspects – cost control, text quality and process optimization – must be reconciled in order to achieve a successful and sustainable increase in the digital visibility of seminar descriptions.


TÜV Saarland Education + Consulting GmbH

Am TÜV 1, 66280 Sulzbach / Saar

75 employees


Consulting, training and further education

12. million € company turnover per year

The external support and the targeted selection of tools made our decision easier, as the advantages and disadvantages were clearly demonstrated.
The resulting time savings were a great benefit for us.

Tim Kipper Senior Online Manager


This project was realized through a structured process.
This involved a consultation session to identify challenges, an ideas workshop, comprehensive tool research and prototyping with potential providers.
The aim of this process was to find and implement the optimal SEO tool for seminar descriptions.

Project result

The measures implemented led to a significant increase in the visibility of the seminars through SEO optimization, a more precise target group approach and a significant improvement in operational efficiency.

  • Possible hardware and software products as a solutione.g. Contentpace, Contentbird, Byword or Robinize

The most important findings from the project

Natural keywords

It is possible to effectively enrich texts with keywords without disturbing the natural flow.

SEO and text quality

The challenge is to integrate SEO aspects while maintaining the quality of the text.

Balance between SEO and utility

The balance between search engine optimization and maintaining utility is crucial for success in search engine rankings and reaching the target group.

What TÜV Saarland Bildung + Consulting GmbH says about the cooperation with EDIH Saarland