3D printing

3D printingPrototyping made easy! 3D printing is an additive manufacturing process that is particularly suitable for prototype construction, individual items and components with complex geometries. Here, a computer-generated 3D model is divided into individual layers and then built up layer by layer. Depending on the printing process used, plastics, synthetic resins or metals can be…

Enterprise resource planning system (ERP)

Enterprise resource planning system (ERP)One small step towards digitalization, one giant leap towards demand planning! An enterprise resource planning system (ERP system) provides cross-functional support for all of a company’s business processes. It consists of modules for the areas of procurement/materials management, production, sales, research and development, human resources, finance and accounting, controlling, etc. The…

Hybrid working

Hybrid workingWorking together everywhere! Hybrid working defines the continuum of operational collaboration from on-site work to remote work (mobile working or home office), including across teams. Prototypen und Demonstratoren vorhandenBranchenübergreifender EinsatzKMU geeignet?The current status The coronavirus crisis, among other things, has shown that sustainable working models no longer consist purely of face-to-face work. Many companies…

Business Intelligence Software

Business Intelligence SoftwareFor the best control! Business intelligence software is the term used to describe software for business analysis. This is software to support systematic analyses of your own company and the commercial environment. The aim of these analyses is to be able to make well-founded operational, tactical or strategic decisions to achieve the company’s…

Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

Optical Character Recognition (OCR)The transformation from analog to digital! OCR, or Optical Character Recognition, describes a technology that can create text files from raster / image files such as PDFs, JPGs, etc. can create text files. The conversion makes it possible to use the data obtained for further processing or to automate processes such as…