Low code

Develop it yourself without programming knowledge!

Low-code development describes the possibility of simple programming based on function blocks without having conventional programming knowledge. A function block can fulfill various functions or tasks. An example of this is sending an e-mail. Function blocks are therefore pre-implemented modules that can be used directly at the click of a mouse.

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The current status

Low-code applications enable programming laymen to develop programs with the help of visual, model-based methods. As an example, it is therefore possible for users to directly develop a program-based solution themselves. Low-code applications can also open up new avenues for many smaller companies with limited IT expertise. Experienced IT specialists can also benefit from low-code applications. Shorter development times and better communication with colleagues and other stakeholders are classic advantages of low-code.

The number of low-code providers and their potential fields of application is constantly increasing. Tasks such as process modeling, data processing, app development, RPA implementation, chatbot implementation and AI solutions can already be completed with low-code.

Technology and use

Technology description

The low-code platforms offer the user the option of developing the desired program using pre-implemented software blocks, so-called function blocks, via “drag & drop”. A function block performs various actions, such as reading in data or sending an e-mail. The user can build his program visually and methodically without having to use text-based programming languages. Nevertheless, most low-code platforms offer the option of extending the scope possible with low-code using text-based programming language. This allows the boundaries of the platforms to be extended. It should be noted that low-code is used in a wide variety of areas and therefore the level of complexity and the necessary prior knowledge vary considerably. For example, a low-code-based website can be created relatively easily without much prior knowledge. However, creating a data processing program with integrated artificial intelligence requires an understanding of the domain. If you know which steps are to be carried out and how, clicking the solution together is relatively simple again.

Application examples

  • Data processing and AI development
  • Website creation and app development
  • RPA and chatbot implementation
  • UVM.
  • null

    Conventional text-based programming

  • null

    Low-code based programming with function blocks

Opportunities for SMEs

No/little programming knowledge required

Clear graphical representation

Quick familiarization


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