Digital time recording

Digital time recording is the modern form of time recording and is already in use in some companies. The decisive advantage of digital time recording is that it provides all the data required for payroll accounting.

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The current status

Time recording is an important tool for personnel resource planning in many companies. Regular evaluations can optimize the deployment of employees and increase productivity. However, traditional time recording, e.g. in the form of timesheets in the skilled trades, is no longer up to date. Due to the increasing flexibility and agility of the working world, digital (mobile) time recording is becoming more and more important. Not forgetting the ECJ ruling of 14.05.2019, which now obliges employers to record employees’ working hours in an objective, reliable and accessible system.

Technology and use

Technology description

A time recording system is a company software for personnel management and customer order management. The attendance times of employees are recorded in personnel management, while the work performed or hours worked on customer orders are recorded in order management. Nowadays, modern time recording systems take over the functions that time clocks used to perform.

Possible application scenarios

Working time recording: Recording employees’ hours by logging in at the start of work, booking breaks and logging out at the end of work.

Interface to payroll accounting: By comparing contractually agreed and actual hours worked, overtime, for example, can be accurately accounted for.

Vacation planning: Some systems are able to manage the vacation of employees and thus enable the entrepreneur to take into account the actual available capacities in his project planning.

Project-related time recording: By defining projects and activities, the type and duration of different activities can be assigned directly to projects, eliminating the need for manual assignment.

Accounting: Once the project has been completed, an invoice can be generated automatically based on the project-related time recording.

Step-by-step introduction

Opportunities for SMEs

Time saving

Data transmission in real time

High transparency

Optimization of workflows

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