AI-supported forecasts

AI-supported forecastsThe right quantities in the right place at the right time! Precise forecasts are essential for companies today. AI-supported forecasting software creates reliable predictions of your sales and consumption based on historical data so that you can always fully satisfy your customers’ demand. At the same time, tied-up capital, depreciation, wasted storage space and…

Digital twin

Digital twinDigital representation of a real system A digital twin represents a real object in the digital world. These may be tangible or intangible objects. The digital twins are made up of data and algorithms and can be linked to the real world via sensors. Digital twins form the basis for Industry 4.0 processes. Prototypen…


ChatbotsUse of chatbots to automate customer communication Chatbots are dialog systems with which you can communicate via text input or voice. They are often combined with avatars and enable websites or instant messaging systems to automatically process inquiries from (potential) customers. In the long term, customer communication can be fully automated. Prototypen und Demonstratoren vorhandenBranchenübergreifender…

AI-supported quality assurance

AI-supported quality assuranceFor sustainable quality improvement! There are different quality requirements within industrial production chains. To meet these requirements, companies usually rely on manual quality checks. However, these are generally error-prone, complex and expensive. With the help of AI solutions, quality control can be carried out automatically and reliably in real time and recorded in…

Low code

Low codeDevelop it yourself without programming knowledge! Low-code development describes the possibility of simple programming based on function blocks without having conventional programming knowledge. A function block can fulfill various functions or tasks. An example of this is sending an e-mail. Function blocks are therefore pre-implemented modules that can be used directly at the click…

Cloud solution

Cloud solutionLimitless possibilities! The term cloud or cloud computing describes an IT infrastructure consisting of several servers that are accessible via the internet or intranet and provide users with access to storage space, computing power or application software. Prototypen und Demonstratoren vorhandenBranchenübergreifender EinsatzKMU geeignet?What is cloud computing? Rapid scalability Add or remove power within a…

Machine learning

Machine learningMake big data manageable! Machine learning (ML) is a branch of artificial intelligence. By recognizing patterns in existing databases, IT systems are able to find solutions to problems independently. Prototypen und Demonstratoren vorhandenBranchenübergreifender EinsatzKMU geeignet?The current status A large number of machine learning implementation and development projects can currently be found. The deep learning…