The future of retail

AI & technology as trailblazers

Retail is facing a revolutionary change driven by the use of innovative technologies and artificial intelligence (AI). In our modular training course, we shed light on how these developments are not only changing the customer experience, but also opening up new ways to increase efficiency and optimize processes in retail. From implementing future-oriented retail technologies to using digital twins for data analysis – this training series provides you with comprehensive knowledge and skills to fully exploit the potential of digitalization in your company. Join us on a journey through the current retail technology landscape and take an active role in the digital transformation of your business processes.



4 appointments, 1 hour each

650€ per module (2,600€ total)

IMPORTANT: Thanks to public funding, you do not have to pay the training fee and participation is free of charge!


Beginners & advanced

Interested parties from the fields of: Retail, wholesale, gastronomy, business administration, research

Training dates and registration
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Forward-looking technologies in retail

Find out how AI and digital technologies can revolutionize the customer and employee experience in retail.

Innovative interaction concepts

Discover new ways of interacting at the point of sale and how they enrich the shopping experience.

Process optimization through digital twins

Learn how digital images of physical stores can be used to analyze and optimize business processes.

Module 1: Impulses for the use of AI in retail

Artificial intelligence (AI) is fundamentally changing the retail industry by improving the customer experience and making operations more efficient. In this module, we will show you how AI technologies can support the entire purchasing process, from planning to aftercare. You will learn about the role of intuitive user guidance, personalized recommendations and efficient operating processes and how these can be implemented using AI. The aim is to show you how you can use AI in your company to sustainably improve processes and the customer experience.


Areas of application for AI in retail

Investigation of AI applications to support the purchasing process and improve the customer experience.

Intuitive user-friendliness

Individual preferences and personalized information presentation are considered basic prerequisites for the acceptance and efficiency of future assistance systems. How can these be guaranteed?

Technologies for a networked society

Presentation of technologies that support the entire shopping process – from planning and preparing the purchase, to support while strolling through the supermarket, to tracking after the purchase.

Understanding AI applications in retail

You will acquire a sound understanding of the application areas of AI in retail.

Strategies to improve the customer experience

They develop skills to improve the customer experience through the use of AI.

Innovative ability

They are able to identify and implement innovative technology solutions for the retail sector.

Module 2: Innovative interaction concepts at the point of sale

How can innovative interaction concepts improve the customer experience at the point of sale (PoS)? We answer this question in this training course. We will introduce you to the most important current developments and technical implementation options for greater interaction between your customers and your staff. Using practical examples, we will show you how important the use of digital technologies is for creating an interactive and social space at the PoS.


Interaction concepts at the POS

Presentation of innovative concepts for designing customer interaction at the point of sale.

Use of technology in stationary retail

Analysis of the technical possibilities and challenges of implementation at the POS.

Customer Experience Design

Discussion about the importance of an appealing customer experience and its influence on customer loyalty.

Interaction design

You will acquire knowledge in the field of interaction design and its implementation in retail.

Technological implementation strategies

They understand how technological solutions can be used effectively to improve the customer experience.

Analysis of customer behavior

They are able to analyze changes in customer behavior and develop strategies based on this.

Module 3: AI in retail: process optimization & data analysis with the digital twin

Are you already aware of the diverse potential offered by the use of digital twins in retail? By using digital twins, processes and workflows can be optimized and data analyses can be carried out that provide insightful findings for your company. In this training we will show you how virtual store models can be used to improve product placement and operations. You will learn how digital twins and AI analytics are used to optimize your strategies and increase customer satisfaction by developing a deep understanding of the connection between the real and virtual worlds in retail.


Introduction to how digital twins work

The basics of digital twins and their benefits for retailers.

Data analysis for business processes

Techniques and tools for data collection and analysis for the optimization of business processes.

Application examples for digital twins

Practical examples for use.

Business process optimization

You will acquire the ability to design and optimize business processes more efficiently with the help of digital twins.

Data analysis skills

You will acquire knowledge in advanced data analysis methods to gain deeper insights into customer behavior and operational efficiency.

Innovation leadership

You will be able to recognize and implement innovation potential in your company through the use of digital twins and AI-supported data analysis.

Module 4: Digital product passport: data along the product chain

The Digital Product Passport plays a key role in promoting transparency and sustainability in the product chain. Thanks to a so-called “product memory”, it enables information to be collected from the first to the last step of the product chain. In this training course, we will show you how to successfully implement the Digital Product Passport. You will learn how collecting information about the entire life cycle of a product can improve traceability and make the use of resources more responsible. The aim of the module is to deepen the understanding of the practical application of the Digital Product Passport and to demonstrate its benefits for efficiency, compliance and customer loyalty.


Concept and meaning

Introduction to the concept of the Digital Product Passport and its role in sustainability and transparency.

Technical implementation

Discussion of the technological requirements and solutions for implementing the Digital Product Passport.

Practical use cases

Examination of application examples and advantages of the Digital Product Passport for companies and consumers.

Increased transparency

You will understand how the Digital Product Passport contributes to increasing transparency in the product chain and how you can use it in your company.

Sustainability strategies

You will acquire the ability to develop and implement sustainability strategies in your company with the help of the Digital Product Passport.

Technological implementation expertise

You will gain an insight into the technical implementation of the Digital Product Passport and learn how you can use this technology effectively to optimize your business processes.

With this modular training course, you take the first step towards the future and optimally prepare your company for the challenges and opportunities of digital transformation in retail. Become part of this pioneering movement and actively shape the digital future of retail.

We also offer individual in-house training courses

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Face-to-face or online formats for several employees

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Further training courses