Ethical use of AI

Responsible use of artificial intelligence

The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) presents us with significant ethical challenges. In this course, we take a deep dive into the ethical dimensions and problems associated with AI. Together with you, we will explore ethical frameworks, current discourses and best practices to gain a comprehensive understanding of ethics in AI. A particular focus is on the role of ethical principles in the design and use of AI technologies. We also promote discussions about the responsibilities associated with algorithms.



2 appointments of 5 hours each


IMPORTANT: Thanks to public funding, you do not have to pay the training fee and participation is free of charge!


Beginners & advanced

SMEs, industry, service providers, trade

Training dates and registration
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Introduction to AI and ethics

Deepen your understanding of the ethical dimensions of artificial intelligence and learn how these influence technological development.

Social impact of AI

Learn more about the social impact of AI technologies and how they influence society.

Responsibility and decision-making

Deal with the topic of responsibility in dealing with AI algorithms and acquire ethical decision-making skills.


Introduction to AI and ethics

Deepening the ethical foundations in the context of artificial intelligence

Social impact of AI

Analyzing the impact of AI technologies on society and identifying ethical issues

Responsibility and decision-making

Discussion of ethical principles in the development and application of AI technologies

Ethical guidelines

Examination of existing ethical guidelines and discussion of their applicability in various scenarios

Legal and interdisciplinary aspects

Discussion of legal framework conditions and interdisciplinary perspectives in the context of AI and ethics

Raising awareness of the ethical aspects of AI

They develop a deeper awareness of the ethical challenges associated with artificial intelligence.

Development of ethical decision-making skills

They acquire skills for ethical decision-making in dealing with AI technologies.

Adopting interdisciplinary perspectives

They learn to adopt interdisciplinary perspectives and thus contribute to a comprehensive discussion of ethical issues.

Training dates

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We also offer individual in-house training courses

Customization of the content to your needs

Face-to-face or online formats for several employees

Save time and travel costs

Further training courses