360° digitization

Practical digitalization in the company

Have you ever asked yourself how you can systematically analyse the digitization potential in your company and translate it into specific, prioritized projects?

Our training not only provides you with a clear and comprehensive methodology for this process, but also puts you in a position to directly and successfully implement the identified opportunities step by step. The interactive training format offers you both practical presentations and space for you to actively shape each individual step on the way to effective implementation of digitization strategies. Shape your digital future with us – successfully and practically!



4 appointments of 2 hours each


IMPORTANT: Thanks to public funding, you do not have to pay the training fee and participation is free of charge!



Management, process and project managers, digitization officers, interested parties from SMEs and public administration

Training dates and registration
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Systematically identify digitization potential

Get to know a practice-oriented approach to identify and uncover digitization potential in your company.

Prioritize and design projects

Gain insights into the prioritization and concrete design of digitization projects for maximum impact.

Effective project management in the digitization process

Deepen your understanding of effective project management in the context of digitalization and learn about successful management strategies.


Presentation of the methodology

Get to know a clear and effective methodology for the targeted development of digitization potential in the company.

Identification of digitization potential

Deepening understanding and concrete tools for identifying and implementing digitalization potential in day-to-day business.

Prioritize and design digitization projects

Insight into the art of prioritizing and effectively designing digitalization projects for sustainable change.

Effective project management

Learn best practices and strategies for successful project management in the digital age.

Ability to systematically identify potential

You will recognize digitalization potential in your company more quickly in the future.

Clear methodology for digitization projects

You will know and use simple and proven methods for the successful implementation of digitization projects.

Effective project management in the digitization process

You manage your digitalization projects successfully and implement them sustainably.

Training dates

We also offer individual in-house training courses

Customization of the content to your needs

Face-to-face or online formats for several employees

Save time and travel costs

Further training courses