Help with digitalization and AI

As EDIH Saarland, we pursue the goal of actively and sustainably driving forward the digital transformation in Saarland and the greater region. Our tailor-made and free services on the topics of digitalization, artificial intelligence (AI) and IT security are aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), mid-caps, start-ups and public institutions in Saarland and the Greater Region (Saar-Lor-Lux).   Our services are divided into the following areas:

Together with you, we tackle the current challenges and support you in planning or optimizing your digital strategy. This allows you to remain competitive, make your business processes more efficient and tap into new markets.

Who and what is the EDIH Saarland

  • EDIH stands for “European Digital Innovation Hub”
  • We as EDIH are a consortium that supports companies, especially SMEs, the public sector and start-ups in their digital transformation without making a profit
  • We are part of the “Digital Europe Program” (DIGITAL) funding initiative, which is building a nationwide network of EDIHs in the European Union
  • We are available for you as a regional center in Saarland
  • The EDIH Saarland is an association of several experts from the fields of science, business and many more.

Target group

We offer services from a single source and accompany you on the path to digitization: Whether you are a beginner or already a professional, our diverse expertise, our network and our innovative testbeds are at your disposal!

We support the following areas in particular:

  • SMEs from industry and trade
  • Mid-caps
  • Trade and services sector
  • Public administration
  • Start-ups
  • IT economy

The team


Key topics: AI, robotics, assistance systems, digital production  “The future belongs to the brave.”

Head of EDIH Saarland

Focus: Internal project management & communication “EDIH Saarland bundles important expertise in digitalization & AI, in the region for the region!”

Head of Administration Office

Main topics: AI, language technology, digitalization in the public sector “Success is not luck, but the result of precise analysis and good teamwork.”

Head of Networking Office

Key topics: Networking, matchmaking events, GovTech, start-ups “Enthusiasm and collaboration will sustainably strengthen innovation in business and administration.”

Head of Innovation Ecosystem

Main topics: AI, low-code development “My goal: to finally bring about concrete change instead of just talking about it.”

Head of Service Office

Main topics: Public relations, funding programs “I want to help the EDIH become a driving force for digital excellence.”

Head of Public Relations

Digitization experts

Key topics: Digital twins, mixed reality, Industry 4.0, human-robot collaboration “EDIH Saarland: Your bridge to the digital future – together, comprehensible and results-oriented.”

Main topic: Secure, digital infrastructures “I work for EDIH Saarland because I believe in the power of innovation and I want to be part of a community that is helping to shape the future of Saarland.”

Key topics: AI, ethics, explainability of AI, digitalization of business processes “It is important to me that we fully exploit the potential of AI, but always remain vigilant against potential risks.”

Key topics: digitalization, data collection & integration, knowledge transfer & management “Digitalization is about action, not just planning.”

Focus: AI “Creating real added value for the Greater Region with creative freedom.”

Key topic: Human-centered assembly “Research in an ivory tower does not develop its full potential, it needs practical relevance!”

Key topics: digitization analysis, digitization projects, evaluations “Let’s shape the digital economic landscape together.”
Evaluation manager

Focus: Digitalization of business and administrative processes “At EDIH Saarland, it is important to me to be a companion for digitalization in start-ups, SMEs and public administration.”

Marketing, public relations & event management

Focus: Marketing & public relations


“Big goals need many small steps! Let’s do this together!”

Main topics: Digital communication, marketing


“Digitalization shouldn’t be scary, it’s fun. Get in, we can help.”

Focus: Networking, International Cooperation & Marketing  “Let’s create a world in which digitalization connects people, drives innovation and makes everyone’s life a little bit better. “

Focus: Marketing & Public Relations “Thinking, transforming and growing digitally together.”

Main topic: Marketing & public relations “Think digitalization creatively.”

Focus: Marketing & Public Relations  “I am looking forward to continuing to drive forward digitalization in the German economy.”

Consortium partners

The August-Wilhelm-Scheer Institute for Digital Products and Processes stands for application-oriented research transfer at an international level. The focus of the content lies in research into the companies of the future, the Super Smart Enterprise. As an independent research institute, the Digitization Institute works to develop innovative technologies and think ahead in terms of business models, placing great emphasis on the close integration of research, innovation and practice. For over seven years, the institute has been providing SMEs with holistic support in their digital transformation. In the project, the August-Wilhelm Scheer Institute stands for the thematic focus areas of AI in the office, digital business models, low-code application development, digital process optimization, administrative transformation and knowledge-intensive service digitization.

The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) is specialized in the field of innovative software technologies based on methods of artificial intelligence. Germany’s leading business-oriented research institution in the field of artificial intelligence. In order to place reliable and trustworthy AI from Germany and Europe at the forefront of international competition, DFKI initiates, implements and supports numerous activities.

DFKI offers excellent scientific achievements in all areas of AI – such as synthetic data for environmental protection, AI processes for a resilient and crisis-proof manufacturing industry, quantum computing, dynamic supply chains and secure data spaces, robotics, language technologies, smart farming and much more. In basic research, the research center works closely with the universities at the DFKI locations.

We are convinced that AI technologies help to successfully tackle challenges facing society as a whole, such as man-made climate change, social injustice and the fight against dangerous diseases, and we are committed to these tasks with great energy.

Strong partnerships are more important than ever in order to master technological challenges together, quickly and with a focus on success.

The East Side Fab offers space and a network for innovation and is a contact point for business and science from the region. As an innovation accelerator, East Side Fab supports all companies in turning ideas into sustainable successes.

Founded by companies for companies, the focus is on the realization of cross-industry innovation projects and the creation of new products and solutions in the field of future technologies.

This is where industry, SMEs and start-ups learn to grow even closer together, master change together and thus set the course for the future.

saaris is a regional economic development aagency, which is institutionally supported by the Saarland state government.The project is financed in particular by the State Chancellery and the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Superordinate Aim of the servicefrom saaris is to strengthen and improve theThe competitiveness and innovative capacity of the regional economy and thus its long-term stabilityt. With saaris sind networks that specialize in the regional focus sectors of automotive ICT, production and logistics.oduction technology and health. One of the main tasks is to stimulate Technology transfer and Cooperation between companies and research, or between companies, support for digital transformation and further training measures. This also includes supporting and advising companies on access to financing instruments. In addition, vfulfills saaris experience in the areas of digital responsibilityresponsibility, change managementagement and innovation culture.

The Center for Mechatronics and Automation Technology sees itself as a development partner with the aim of industrialization and technology transfer of research and development results.

In our development activities, we work closely with institutes and chairs at Saarland University (UdS) and the University of Applied Sciences (htw saar). Professors in the relevant subject areas, especially mechatronics, supervise the highly qualified scientific staff working at the research center. This ensures that scientific potential, specific expertise and the latest research findings are incorporated synergistically and sustainably into ZeMA’s work.