IT incident expert (BSI)

Advanced qualification in IT security incidents

In this training course, we enable you as an IT specialist to handle security incidents with increased efficiency and precision. This course deepens the skills acquired in the basic course IT Security Incidents (BSI) and expands knowledge by introducing advanced techniques and methods based on the standards of the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). You will be able to quickly identify and analyze IT security incidents and initiate effective measures to contain and prevent further damage. A particular focus is on dealing with incidents in operational technology (OT) systems, an area that is becoming increasingly important.



3 days of 7.5 hours each


IMPORTANT: A subsidy of up to 40% of the seminar costs is possible. The funding applies to SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises with up to 250 employees). Information and application:, phone: 0681/5867-652



Persons with the qualification of incident practitioner, persons responsible for IT security

Training dates and registration
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Deepening incident response skills

Enhance your ability to quickly identify and effectively handle IT security incidents.

Specialization in OT systems

Detailed understanding of the special features of incident management in operational technology.

Practical application

Direct application of the acquired knowledge in realistic scenarios and exercises to deepen practical skills.


Legal and organizational framework

Overview of the legal provisions and organizational requirements for an effective incident response.

Incident Response Refresher Contents

Repetition and consolidation of the basic concepts and procedures of incident response.

Forensics and attack scenarios

Advanced insights into forensic methods and the analysis of attack patterns for faster identification of security incidents.

Standard procedure for IT incidents

Consolidation of the BSI’s standardized processes for the systematic handling of security incidents.

Incident handling OT systems

Specialized training for handling security incidents in operational technology environments.

Improved responsiveness

You will sharpen your ability to quickly identify and analyze IT security incidents in order to efficiently limit the damage and prevent further incidents.

In-depth understanding of OT security

You will acquire specialized knowledge about security requirements and strategies for OT systems.

Practical experience

Through the intensive examination of real scenarios and case studies, you will gain valuable practical experience that you can apply directly in your working environment.

Training dates

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We also offer individual in-house training courses

Customization of the content to your needs

Face-to-face or online formats for several employees

Save time and travel costs

Further training courses