Hybrid working

Working together everywhere!

Hybrid working defines the continuum of operational collaboration from on-site work to remote work (mobile working or home office), including across teams.

Prototypen und Demonstratoren vorhanden
Branchenübergreifender Einsatz
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The current status

The coronavirus crisis, among other things, has shown that sustainable working models no longer consist purely of face-to-face work. Many companies were forced to create opportunities for employees to work from home and restrict access to offices. According to a survey by the Munich-based Ifo Institute, almost 73% of the 800 HR managers surveyed want to continue working from home and hybrid working even after the crisis. The high relevance of this topic is primarily due to the opportunities currently offered by technological progress. Many companies already work with cloud systems that allow employees to access databases from any location.

Synchronous communication

- Digital whiteboards

- Instant messaging systems

Asynchronous communication

- Digital bulletin boards
- Communication guidelines
- Coordinating & collaborative project & task management tools
- Wiki (knowledge management)
- Blogs
- Intranet

Digital whiteboards can be used to visualize concepts, ideas and thoughts. Instant messaging systems are used for direct communication between employees and make it possible to exchange relevant information quickly. The digital bulletin board can be used to distribute information and news that is relevant to the entire company. An intranet is particularly suitable for this, as central files can be made available to everyone. Project management tools are one of the most important components of hybrid work in order to coordinate and efficiently organize team collaboration. Blogs can also be used to improve the flow of information within the company. Wikis help to avoid knowledge gaps and ensure efficient knowledge management, especially with asynchronous communication.

Challenge and solution


  • Lack of social interaction
  • Loss of motivation and control
  • Accessibility of employees
  • Overtime/ underperformance


  • Meet ups for an informal exchange: daily stand-up with coffee
  • Weekly team meetings to bring everyone up to speed
  • Regular one-to-ones between managers and employees
  • Log in and out of the team chat and maintain the status
  • Making work progress visible : Transparency
  • Use the camera in webcalls: Gestures and facial expressions

Step-by-step introduction

Opportunities for SMEs

Productivity increase

Increased attractiveness of the workplace and more satisfied employees

Easier and broader talent sourcing

Sustainability and cost reduction

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