How SMEs can be successful by integrating AI with big data

Big data plays a crucial role in our increasingly digitalized world. These extensive and complex data sets, which are generated not only by people but also by devices from the Internet of Things (IoT), offer companies enormous opportunities. However, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in particular often face the challenge of coping with this flood of data, as they lack the resources for specialized data analysis teams.


Understanding and using big data

Big data is characterized by its volume and diversity. These data volumes are not only large, but also have a complex structure. The correct analysis and use of this data can form the basis for important business decisions. However, without the right tools, many valuable insights remain unused, which can lead to suboptimal decisions.


Artificial intelligence as a solution

This is where artificial intelligence (AI) comes into play. An effective combination of AI and human decision-makers can help to fully exploit the potential of big data. AI can help to collect, document and analyze information efficiently. This enables companies to make predictions and develop well-founded decision-making proposals.


Example: AI in financial analysis

Suppose an AI searches through handwritten invoices, records expenses and analyzes this data to predict future cash flows. On this basis, the AI can make suggestions as to how a company should manage its expenditure in order to remain financially stable.


Advantages of AI integration

  • Accelerated decision-making: AI can analyze existing information faster than human teams.
  • Increased efficiency: less personnel capacity is tied up in processing data and making decisions. This frees up capacity for creative processes.
  • Reliability and transparency: The processes carried out by AI are traceable and repeatable.
  • Objectivity: AI minimizes subjective and emotional influences when making decisions.


Limits of AI

For all its advantages, AI cannot and should not make important decisions on its own. It is best suited to take on specific tasks or complement the work of humans, especially in areas involving complex human values such as ethics.


Conclusion and contact

Would you like to find out more about how you can successfully use AI in your company to make better use of your data and optimize your decision-making processes? Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and learn how our solutions can help you achieve your business goals.


M.Sc. Sebastian Akinci

Digitalization Associate